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STEM+E 2023
Event Highlight  - Meeting with Case Company

4th March 2023 (Sat)

1st April 2023 (Sat)

La Salle College

The inspired students met their case companies to understand their innovation and technology. Through comprehension and guidance from case companies,  they will understand how to develop their go-to-market plan best-fit for the case companies. 

Moments - Meeting with Case Company
Event Highlight  - Meeting with Business Coach

18th March 2023 (Sat)

15th April 2023 (Sat)

La Salle College

​Meeting with the experienced Business Coaches, students received guidance and advices for their business plans. Their business idea transformed into ground-breaking yet down-to-earth go-to-market plan

Moments - Meeting with Business Coach
Bulletin Vol. 2 - 20 April 2023
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