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Event Highlight - Meeting with Case Company

13 April 2024 (Sat)

27 April 2024 (Sat)  

La Salle College

The students met the Founders of their matched case companies to understand their technology and the use of the solution.  Also, the Founders shared their experience on the difference between the technologies that are offering services in the community and the technologies that students acquired from school.

This meeting helps the students to understand how the technologies are related to their various learning areas from school.  Ultimately, the students should understand how to apply the assigned technology effectively in the community and help to solve the social issue that they have identified.

Moments - Meeting with Case Company
Event Highlight  - Meeting with Business Coach

20 April 2024 (Sat)

4 May 2024 (Sat)

La Salle College

The students had the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with their assigned coaches. After a week of diligent preparation, they shared their thoughts and ideas. The coaches provided valuable assistance by addressing the students' queries and further inspiring them with their extensive experience and expertise.

Moments - Meeting with Business Coach
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