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Event Highlight - Workshop

9 Mar 2024 (Sat)

HKUST(Clear Water Bay)

On the morning of 9th March (Saturday), Prof. Joseph KOC, Founder Member and Chairman of STEM+E Consortium, and Mr. Alan LEE, Founder Member and Executive Committee Member of STEM+E Consortium, shared with our students their experiences on two topics, namely "How to tell a story – preparing your proposal" and "Deal making - making a financial model for your plan" at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (“HKUST”)

In addition to the two workshop sessions, Student Ambassadors (“SA”), current students of HKUST, conducted campus tours of HKUST to let the participating students experience the beautiful campus. Participating students had the chance to visit various campus facilities including Lee Shau Kee Business Building, Shaw Auditorium, Academic Concourse, Resonant Bridge to name a few.  

Feedback from participating students was encouraging. Students indicated that the event has provided them first-hand experience of university life, from attending a sample class in a university classroom environment, to walking through the campus, to overhearing discussion and conversations on academic topics when they walk past individuals during the tour.

We believe that this workshop has provided invaluable experience to our students of university life.  More importantly, ready to take on the exciting challenges they will come across during the rest of STEM+E 2024 Competition!

Workshop Highlight
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